Marketing the Unknown

Jocelyn Diles
4 min readMay 18, 2022

One of the hardest parts of marketing what I do is that I cannot say, ‘I will get you these results.’ Everywhere I look, the marketers stress results, results, results. But there are no results in the feminine, only life and surrender to the unknown. When we are results-driven we miss out on exactly what I am guiding you to experience. When we reach for results we reach outside of the body. Our culture doesn’t give us many options for how life should look. Get a job, start a family, make a lot of money, look happy, then retire. But in my experience, when we let go of this idea and approach the unknown with a deep commitment to the body and to trust, life becomes pretty damn phenomenal.

Curiosity to what is is where we start. This is how I live my life. From one perspective, I have to practice what I preach, right. I guide my clients into unknown territory that they may have expressed fear or avoidance. And then I take them there. So I have to know what this is like. From another perspective, this is just who I am. To me, I do not have another choice. I have learned from all of my painful experiences in life and have walked the path to get me right here in this moment. I trust from the core of my being. I follow the guidance that comes from within. When I hear that voice say wait, I wait. Even though my mind is arguing and calling me crazy, my body waits.

When I made the decision to move to Guatemala, there was no question or fear of what would happen or how it would turn out, only certainty in the back of my heart leaning me forward into the decision. Confidence carried me smoothly through the process and safely into the unknown. When others questioned my decision and gave me reasons not to go, my body stayed as certain as 2+2=4. And here I am living what I could only have imagined as a dream a few years back. I never even asked for this, it only happened because I had confidence in my body’s wisdom.

The beauty in the unknown is the unimaginable. When we courageously face the unknown, unimaginable things happen in the best way. First, we start with trusting the body’s wisdom and then move into surrendering to the unknown. When we come into the sensations and subtle experiences of the body, we become the witness and we listen. We don’t analyze or try to decipher what we find, but we can ask questions, then we watch and listen. We build an intimate and sensual relationship with our body, where our mind becomes the listener and surrenders control to the body. You get to let go and be lived by the body.

This is not to say that our mind has to become clear in order to do this. My mind is a whirlwind, always telling stories, worrying constantly about money, and afraid of living in extreme discomfort or being sick. It’s exhausting being in my head sometimes. On a regular basis, my mind takes the past and projects it into the future to feed the fear mongrel. But because of the work I do with my body and because of my unwavering trust, I can give myself space to hear the messages. So I do the work with my mind in order to drop into the moment and experience joy, receptivity, and surrender.

Now we can approach the unknown by really slowing down. We open ourselves to feel the tiniest sensation in the body, a spark, a pulse, tension, an opening, or a blockage. It’s so slow and so simple yet profound. The unknown is inside of us. Once we go inward in this way, we see that it is not so scary. On the contrary, we find it to be fascinating, inspiring, and transformative. We begin to notice ourselves making courageous decisions and showing up in incredibly vulnerable ways that carry us deeper towards our purpose.

This way of experiencing the unknown becomes more familiar and we begin to feel safe in the world. We feel held and connected to the universe regardless if we believe in a higher power or not. We soften our bodies allowing and receiving more love to enter. We become comfortable with courage and vulnerability. We stop having to make decisions altogether because we are connected to an inner knowing that moves us forward in the world. We step into life more fully, more whole, and more alive in the body. All of this comes with the unknown, which is to be who we already are at our core and to live from that place of fullness.



Jocelyn Diles

I guide women to ground into the experience of their bodies, allowing them to connect to their deepest love and guidance, holding them in trust and surrender.